Ainsi, notre équipe d'approvisionnement assure toujours une disponibilité constante de nos produits.
The WWF wants to stop the worldwide destruction of the environment - here we support with deeds.
The "World Star" is the world's most important award ceremony for the packaging industry.
Animal testing on cosmetic products has long been prohibited in European cosmetics law.
Hand care soap is the winner at Sainsbury's Beauty Awards gala in London.
Brand icons are the symbol in their category. You can recognize them immediately, like our "Handy".
Wir haben Mira Scacchi beim Shooting für die neue Plakatkampagne für die Migros begleitet.
Smartwatches and intelligent wristbands for determining fitness data and other wearables.
Wir haben Beauty-Bloggern persönlich die neue I am Professional-Reihe vorgestellt.
Our biochemistry has investigated how stress makes us look old faster.
Pro-Aging, an age- and life-affirming attitude in which individuality comes before perfection.
Microtrends are important signals that the Mibelle Group uses for strategic decisions.
Crew Resource Management means considering what we can learn from every new situation.
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