At the BSB Innovation Awards, diverse products from the consumer goods sector are examined and tested in the areas of raw materials, packaging, as well as applied concepts by the independent BSB consulting and service office. The award is a great honour for the Mibelle Group, as it was able to prevail over established brands such as Weleda in the category "Finished Products".
The award-winning cleaning products contain alcohol (ethanol) extracted directly from exhaust gases that would otherwise pollute the environment and the climate. The technology behind this is an innovation that the Mibelle Group realised together with the start-up LanzaTech. (We informed you about it here). As a result, our customer Migros is already saving 80 tonnes of conventionally produced alcohol this year.
In the medium term, the alcohol obtained from the recycled CO2 is to replace the entire amount of conventionally produced alcohol in the detergents, cleaning agents and cosmetics sector at the Mibelle Group.